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  • New Homeowner’s Guide to Lawn Care in the Carolinas


New Homeowner’s Guide to Lawn Care in the Carolinas

With so much to offer; from great jobs and exciting activities to delicious restaurants and beautiful weather, it makes sense that people are flocking to Raleigh and Charlotte. As you try to make your new house feel like home, getting your landscape whipped into shape can feel daunting; but achieving a lawn that will make the new neighbors envious doesn’t have to be a hassle!

At Davenport Environmental, our team of experts have decades of lawn care experience in Raleigh and Charlotte – and lucky for you, we’re willing to give you the dirt on what it takes to build a healthier, stronger lawn.


Proper lawn mowing techniques require a little more expertise than you might think, and they can also play a part in the overall health of your landscape.

  • Blades: When was the last time you sharpened your lawnmower blades? Dull blades can tear your grass instead of cutting it. Torn blades of grass can make your lawn look ragged and are also at greater risk of disease, which can spread and damage large sections of your lawn.
  • Mowing Height: How low do you mow? Some homeowners make the mistake of trimming grass too short to try and reduce the time between mowings, but cutting grass too close to the root can cause it to die. Raising your blades can give you healthier grass, and provides more shade and protection to your soil during hot, sunny summer months. A good rule of thumb is to never cut off more than one-third of the blade height.


A hydrated lawn is a happy lawn. Without enough water, your lawn is starved of important nutrients. In North Carolina, we’re used to long, hot summers; and since Mother Nature doesn’t always give us the rain we need when we need it most, you might have to step in and give your lawn a hand.

But before you turn your sprinklers on, keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, too! Over-watering makes your lawn more susceptible to disease and allows water to flood past the root zone and deeper into the soil, where grassroots can’t reach. Keep your lawn hydrated with these helpful tips in mind:

  • Water in the early morning for the best results. This gives your lawn time to absorb moisture before it can evaporate in the sun.
  • Make sure your lawn is getting a deep watering (about 1 inch of water) three times per week. Any more than that can leave your lawn oversaturated.
  • Keep an eye out for uneven terrain. If your lawn isn’t perfectly flat, there may be areas of your lawn that collect puddles after watering or areas that drain quickly and end up dry.

Feed Your Lawn

Is your lawn getting the nutrients it needs to thrive? Your lawn needs a specific balance of nutrients to display peak growth and performance, and it varies depending on the soil and grass type in your yard. The best time to fertilize your lawn is when the soil temperature reaches about 55 degrees, after a thorough watering. In North Carolina, this means you’ll need to feed your lawn in early Spring before the growing cycle begins. After your grass dries, apply fertilizer; then lightly water again. This washes fertilizer off of grass blades and into your soil.

Get Help Building a Beautiful Lawn

Building a strong foundation is a crucial part of maintaining a beautiful lawn, but it can also be a time-consuming and daunting process. Davenport Environmental can help you get the dream lawn to match your new dream home. Our lawn care, tree care, and landscaping services are designed to be hassle-free. We’ll take care of the dirty work – so all you have to do is sit back and enjoy your backyard.

Ready for your dream lawn?